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Rev. Ben Strength

Fall is around the corner...
time to get back to Church!


All of us on the staff of Monticello 1st UMC (Sam, Gail, Joneen and Ben) trust that you have had a good summer. We hope that you have taken advantage of the days of summer to take some breaks, see your families and maybe visit some places you wanted to go. Time does indeed fly when you are having fun. Now our summer hiatus is over and September is here. The UMM, the United Women in Faith and Sunday School all are about to resume in September after Labor Day. I look forward to these groups resuming (see the News Briefs for dates and times, and check our weekly email blasts for updates).

            Our Sunday morning worship service numbers have been less than ideal. Partially because
so many of you have been pursuing summer activities and partially because of those who left our fellowship over the issues at the national and international level in the United Methodist Church. I will state – once again – that nothing that even the most conservative person would find objectionable – has changed at your church. I love and miss those who have left over matters of their own personal conscience. But, the life of your local church must go on.

            I know that many of you are concerned about our diminished numbers and wonder about the future. I personally am not afraid and full of fear about the future. I have faith that we are faithful and God will take care of His church and faithful people. Instead of worry and fear about the future, I would suggest to you to pray for your church. Be involved in your church and say some good things about the church. God will take care of you and of us.

            Our annual Fall Sports Tailgate was a success. We had about 175 in attendance, both schools were well represented. Dr. Alton Standifer brought an outstanding message. The hamburger and hotdog supper was a great success. Thanks to all of those who did the preparation, the cooking, the serving and the cleanup which were necessary for this event to happen. I hope that this event makes you feel more hopeful about your church. We are still “staying alive.” We must stay strong in the Lord and the power of HIS MIGHT (Ephesians 6:10).

            This fall will be full of events. Charge Conference and the preparations for it are coming soon. We will have our All Saints recognition service for those who have gone to be with the Lord on
Sunday, November 3rd. We will also observe Veterans Day on Sunday, November 10th, and have
our Thanksgiving Dinner together in November. Our Christmas Eve service will be on Tuesday, December 24th.

Our church will have the baptisms and the infant baptisms of children in September and possibly October. I look forward to all of these events (Charge Conference excepted) and hope you look forward to participating in them with the rest of your church family.

            May God be with each of you and bless you. I look forward to seeing you in church on Sunday.


​Grace and Peace, Ben

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